Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Who did it

Cuddles is as shocked as the Lovely Shane and I were...
She has no idea how this happened! 
A couple of days ago the Lovely, Awesome Shane and I were in the kitchen having a cup of coffee. While we were in the kitchen we heard a crash in the office. Upon closer investigation we found the scene depicted in the photograph. A chair was overturned. How did that happen?  Obviously, barring the possibility of paranormal activity, one of our canine buddies was responsible. Who, oh who, could it be???
Trigger surveys the damage .

The dogs looked at us as if they were as surprised as we were. Fortunately no dogs were injured. Even with polite little guys and girls, like we have in our pack, accidents sometimes happen.

This sort of thing occurs often enough at the Dog Training/Foster Shack that we have come up with a unique and hopefully humorous solution:

We assign a "head dog in charge" each day. That dog is in charge of pack behavior. We were at Wal-Mart the other day and found a little white board that sticks to the refrigerator with a magnet. This thing was on sale for less than a dollar so, we made the investment .We use this to post "head dog in charge" each day. (Yes..... we really do this.... we both have an odd sense of humor, I suppose). Even the foster pack members get to be "head dog in charge". This is a rotating title, a different dog has it each day.  Notice in the picture that Foster Boy Sammy has the honor today!

We enjoy our dogs and have a lot of fun with them. The point of posting this here is that you do not have to always be serious when it comes to dealing with your dogs. Accidents will happen. From time to time stuff will get knocked over. It is all part of having these little guys and girls in our families. I think what happened here is that Copper the Whopper Beagle jumped out of the chair too quickly and turned it over. It is no big deal. We allow him on that chair. He is about the best behaved dog I have ever worked with. He is polite and mild mannered. But, he is a beagle :) .
src="" width="320">Copper relaxing on "his" office chair.
If you need help training your little guy or girl to be better behaved, please contact me. I will even help you teach them not to get on your furniture if that is what you desire. The point is that Copper is allowed on the furniture so, I  should not get upset with him when he accidentally knocks a chair over :) Besides, Sammy was in charge, it wasnt Coppers least that is Coppers story!.

A yard sign I use for my Lawn Maintenance
Handyman business... Yes that is actually an
old reel mower that I use to hold the sign up.
Well... there is more winter weather here in Fayette County, Georgia. We are in the middle of an ice storm here. We lost our electricity, here at the shack, for most of the day today. I understand that a large part of the eastern USA is having similar weather. As I have mentioned before, please, please, please, let your dog inside if you normally keep them outside. Also, make sure that all your dogs are in the house before you close the door if you let them out in a fenced back yard like we do. This winter weather is extremely dangerous for them (as it is for us as well)!

Till Next Time-

William Moore Canine Training
Dog Training/Foster Shack in snow and ice. The
Lovely Shane and I are staying home until
the roads get better. Yes, that is the Awesome Mobile parked
out front!
A piece of yard art left by a previous occupant. I have not decided
if I like it or not. It is heavy so, I have not felt like moving it either.

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