Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Take your dog with you!

It has been an overcast but otherwise pleasant day  today here in the Fayette County, Georgia Area.

I thought it would be the perfect day to take my buddy Copper to work with me.  As many of you know, I also own a Lawn Maintenance and Handyman business. Today I had a few errands to run and a yard to mow. 

I never take dogs with me if the weather is really hot and I take plenty of water for my buddies.  I took Copper today, rather another member of my pack, because we have not been on an outing together recently and he really needed the exercise. It has been really rainy lately and we have been forced to do our exercise indoors and Copper really loves the outdoors!

Years ago when I first bought my cargo trailer, I installed a couple of cargo rings that I could use to tether dogs while I work. Critten and Grace, past pack members really loved to go to work with me as well. Critten is the Labador/Pit Bull mix who is in the Green Truck (1969 Chevy C/10) waiting for me. Grace is the cute little Beagle who is wearing the blue harness and resting on the couch. I really miss these guys. I had to leave them in Florida with my ex-wife after a divorce years ago. But, they have a good home.

As I mentioned in a previous post, there are plenty of dog friendly places to take your dog. Today, we went to Lowes in beautiful Fayetteville, GA where Copper helped me pick out trim for a bathroom project and get oil for my 2 cycle gear and string for my string trimmer. We also went to Miles Ace Hardware in Peachtree City where we picked up a filter for the heat pump at the Dog Trainer

Everywhere we went people greeted Copper warmly. He is always happy to let people pet him and tell him what a handsome boy he is. And he really likes to show off his loose leash walking skills and the wait command.

The point of this post is to encourage you to take one or two of your pack with you when you go out to run errands.This is provided that they do well on leash and are polite and well behaved. They love the excercise and it is good socialization for them.  If you have trouble with your dog on leash or if your dog has behavioral problems that make outings stressful, please contact me. Copper and I will be happy to help you!

People are usually surprised when I tell them the places I have taken Copper.  I never take him to restaurants, bars, or anyplace that serves or sells food items. I understand that most health codes prohibit this unless your dog is a service animal. But, I take him anywhere else. I just walk in with Copper. If the staff at the establishment ask us to leave, we respect their wishes but that very rarely happens. If your dog is well behaved and housebroken, he/she is welcome almost anywhere you are welcome or at least this has been my experience. There are some exceptions but this is the general rule of thumb that I follow.

Bed Bath and Beyond, for instance has a wonderful pet friendly policy. They welcome any well behaved pet. A lot of people do not realize this. I do not frequent this store but the Lovely Shane and I do sometimes take Copper there and look around.

Most Pet Stores obviously have a pet friendly policy. However, be very careful in these places. Many times people do not have the control that they should over their dogs. Often times they take dogs to these places that have behavioral issues that should have been addressed long before they were out in public. As I have mentioned in a previous post, remember the 3 foot rule when encountering other dogs. Always maintain 3 feet of separation between your dog and any strangers animal. If the other dog looks aggressive, stressed or agitated, I maintain much more than 3 feet of separation. Also the staff at many of these pet stores, unfortunately, simply do not seem to know how to deal with a dog fight incident. See my recent post regarding a fatal shooting of a dog by a Petco employee in Texas for more insight.

Also, remember, if you need Lawn Maintenance services in Fayette County, GA or surrounding areas please contact me! My company does all sorts of lawn maintenance in addition to Carpentry Repairs, Light Plumbing Repairs, Light Electrical Repairs, Painting, Fence Installation and Repair, etc.

Have fun with your dogs! Take them with you!

Till next time

-William -

William Moore
William Moore Canine Training

William Moore
William Moore Lawn Maintenance and Handyman Services

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