I find the best training aid to be treats, small pieces of human food chopped up and given to him when he has done something good has always worked wonders, that is unless your dog doesn’t really have an interest in treats. This is a really cheap method of a training aid, but if you want to blow some cash there are hundreds of options available for you.
The dog agility training aids that are available are e.g. anti bark collars. Lots of dogs have problems when it comes to agility. This is usually because when they get excited they start barking. Anti bark collars work by either giving your dog a small electric shock or a spray of water when he or she barks.
Contrary to what others may tell you, this is not cruel and certainly not animal abuse. It just lets your dog know that barking is not acceptable. These kinds of collars are available from all good pet shops.
For dog obedience some dog training aids that are available are dog clickers, the newest craze out on the market which allows owners instead of associating sit with a word they use a click instead and reward with treats, no punishment allowed. Another aid available is a harness; this gets fitted around your dog’s upper body so when you are teaching him to heel, a slight tug on the harness pulls him back completely.
You can now also purchase dog training aids for around you’re home. These are both simple and effective. Lots of people turn to dog training aids when nothing else has worked but they don’t have to be the last thing you try, with aids so cheap these days there is no reason why you cant invest in something that will make your dogs learning process a lot more exciting!
For dog obedience some dog training aids that are available are dog clickers, the newest craze out on the market which allows owners instead of associating sit with a word they use a click instead and reward with treats, no punishment allowed. Another aid available is a harness; this gets fitted around your dog’s upper body so when you are teaching him to heel, a slight tug on the harness pulls him back completely.
You can now also purchase dog training aids for around you’re home. These are both simple and effective. Lots of people turn to dog training aids when nothing else has worked but they don’t have to be the last thing you try, with aids so cheap these days there is no reason why you cant invest in something that will make your dogs learning process a lot more exciting!
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