Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Trigger the Dapple Dachshund
The Lovely and  Totally Awesome Shane!
The Lovely Shane and I are happy to announce that Trigger has found a forever home! The forever home he found is right here in our pack! His temperament fits our pack very well and The Lovely Shane and I fell in love with him. He is however, definitely a Mommys dog.

Aside from a few little chewing issues, his training is coming along quite well.

Trigger really likes to follow Mommy around everywhere and really misses her when she goes to work! He also really loves his chew toys and has a real passion for chasing critters in the back yard and digging around. I think we are going to make him a little area in the backyard
(maybe a sandbox) where he can dig all he wants without hurting anything.
Foster Boy Biscuit

So, we now have a four dog permanent pack consisting of Cuddles the Corgi Mix (senior), Copper the Whopper Beagle (adult), Codi the Little Beagle (senior) and Trigger the Dapple Dachshund (approx. 1 year old).

Our buddy Biscuit is also back in our pack as a Foster again. Biscuit is a Basset/Lab Mix about 8 or 9 months old. We got him back last night. The person who adopted him could no longer care for him due to unforeseen medical issues.

Biscuit has grown a little over the last few weeks that he has been away. His training is also progressing nicely! The housebreaking seems to be done. He is really good about going into his crate when you tell him to.  He is getting much better on leash! Another week or so and he should be almost perfect on the leash!

If you are interested in adding a good little Basset mix to your pack, please let me know! Biscuit is available for adoption and would love to find a forever home with you!

Till Next Time

-William -

William Moore Canine Training

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