Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Dog Training Part 1

Training Dogs. Part 1.

When it comes to dogs, there are many ways to get them to obey their master. It much depends on the breed of the dog, its personality and so on and so forth. Usually, trainers recommend to whisper, they say whispering is better than shouting. So by whispering, you get your pet’s attention.

Today I am going to speak about dog barking. It is one of the most characteristic features your pet dog has. It has many uses you can take advantage from; if you learn to comprehend what your dog wants you to notice. If you fail doing this, your pet dog will bark purposeless, making it very annoying.

One of the most important things is learning to notice the patter of style your dog uses in different situations. Perhaps when a stranger is around he barks angrily, when you return home from a weekend out he barks with joy.

All you need is a little observation and patience, and sooner than you can say Lassie you will be
interacting with your dog better than ever.

You will be able to train your dog against indiscriminate barking. Sometimes your pet barks because he knows that this way it will get your attention, even if it is not anything important. This will get your pet to bark all the time. We do not want this because, when something important comes up, perhaps the owner will think is just the dog being naughty, and you will not attend to him.

The first step towers accomplishing is to patiently wait for your dog to quiet down, and then, give him what he wants.

Also, when you have guests, advice them to give no attention to the dog until it quiet down. This will make him learn not to bark unnecessarily and to be good to visitors.

When your dog alarms you of something important, it is recommendable to praise him. Then ask him to stop barking, because you have understood his message.

Whispering is the other good advice.

One last thing, you may teach your pups to bark at you command.

That is it for today, check out frequently for more info.
Or check out this website.

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Dog Training

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