Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Coming in 2015 New Book!

That is the Lovely and Awesome Shane on the cover with our cover boy,
Foster Boy Charles the Duke of Fayette County (We just call him Charlie).

I am happy to announce a new book on which I am working. The working title is Parents Manual for Adopted Dogs (all rights reserved).

The book is intended as a reference manual for people who have adopted dogs in thier packs. In addition to that, it is also intended as a guide for those of you who are contemplating adding an adopted little guy or girl to your pack.

There are sections of the book regarding the most common behavioral and medical issues associated with adopted dogs. The book also leads you through
getting your home ready for your adopted dog and introducing them to the pack.

The book details the monetary and time commitments that are necessary for the care of your adopted dog. The book also details what behaviors and training are necessary to help your adopted guy or girl become a polite dog. Because, as many of you understand, Polite Dogs = Happy People. This book is intended to guide you to the happiness that you can obtain from your relationship with your polite adopted dog!

My plans are to, at least initially, make this book available in electronic format for some of the popular e-reader devices (i.e. Nook, Kindle, etc.). Dependent upon the success of the electronic book, I will likely publish the book in a printed format.

I need some feedback from you, my readers. Please let me know which e-reader you currently use. Also let me know of any specific topics that you would like to see covered in the book. You can do this in the comments on this post or, if you would rather send me an e-mail or call me, that is fine as well. My contact information is at the bottom of this post.

Thank you all in advance for any help that you can provide on this project.

I expect to be ready to publish the book in electronic format around the beginning of 2015.

Till next time-


William Moore Canine Training

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