Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

The Costs and Responsibility of a Dog

Our Newest Foster Boy Tiny

It seems that lately I find myself quite frequently in conversations with people about the cost and responsibility of having a dog as a member of your family. I therefore consider it prudent to discuss it a little here on this blog.

Critten at Work
In the paragraph above I describe the dog as a "member of your family". I think this is important because this is truly the manner in which you need to consider your little canine buddies. When we take on the responsibility of adoption, we assume the responsibility for this beautiful creature for its entire lifetime. This is something that should never be taken lightly! These little guys are Gods creatures and it is our responsibility as their guardians to care for them to the best of our ability. This is what we agree to when we adopt one of these guys.
Food is expensive, but this is not the only monetary cost that needs careful consideration. It has been said that time is money. Well regardless of the breed or age, your dog requires a considerable amount of your time. You can not just leave the little guy at home by himself for 12 hours a day. It is not fair to him and will absolutely ultimately lead to behavioral issues!
Here are a few monetary costs ( remember this is not an all inclusive list feel free to comment with additions):
  • Food
  • Grooming
  • Heartworm tests and preventive medication
  • Pet Sitter for vacation
  • Crate
  • Bedding
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Training
  • Medication
  • Vaccinations
  • Flea/Tick control
  • Collar, Leash,Harness, Pet Tag, Microchip
  • Fence for yard
  • Pet Gates for home
  • Dog proofing (Beagle Proofing) the home.
  • Misc.Supplies
I mentioned time. It is important that you walk your dog frequently. Take them with you whenever possible on errands, etc. This is important for their continued social development. Also do not underestimate the amount of time required to feed, water, and let out for exercise. You also need to take sufficient time for ongoing training.

I am not telling you any of this to discourage you from having dogs. It is just really important to realize and understand the costs and responsibility before your welcome a new dog into your pack!

The Lovely Shane and Cuddles
That being expressed, there are some really great advantages to living with dogs! A dog never judges you and us generally always happy to see you! They really do become emotionally attached to their people! For instance, the Lovely Shane got a really bad stomach virus from our grandson who was also sick. She spent the night away from the dog training shack to be with our grandson and to attempt not to spread the virus to me (I am eternally grateful for this particular gesture! It was a really nasty bug). Our newest adopted dog, Trigger the Dachshund, was not happy about this at all. He looked for his mommy all night. He was visibly anxious. When she
returned the next day, she got a very enthusiastic greeting from the entire pack! By far, the most enthusiastic was little Trigger! She also got an enthusiastic greeting from the Dog Trainer .... I miss that awesome lady when she is away!

A few of our happy pack
Sleepy Copper
The point I am attempting to convey here is that dogs are a responsibility. We must care for them. This is not just a responsibility when they are convenient or fun. It is a responsibility that lasts for their entire life! It is a wonderfully rewarding responsibility! I must admit that I get much more out of my relationship with the dogs in my pack than I put into it. But, I do put a great deal of effort into my dogs. If you are considering bringing a dog into your home, you will have to put in effort as well.
If you are looking for a new dog for your pack, please let me know. Our Foster Boy Biscuit the Basset Mix is available for immediate adoption. We also have a new foster Beagle named Tiny. He is a very small Beagle. We just got him from the Fayette County Shelter. We are treating him for what we think is a respiratory infection. So he will likely not be available for adoption for a couple of weeks. He is a cute little guy. He seems to be an adult but a young one. Probably around a year old.

If you have questions regarding the responsibility and cost of dogs, or If you have any training questions, please contact me at any time!

Also, If you need a fence for your back yard, I own a handyman business and would be happy to provide you with an estimate!

Till Next Time


William Moore
William Moore Canine Training
Copper at Work

William Moore Lawn and Handyman Services



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