Senin, 01 Februari 2016

Most people turn their heads up when I say "interested in house training your dog as quickly as possible?". Well listen up then, because here is some advice:

Housebreaking your dog is an important step in ensuring a successful lifelong relationship between you and your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit; and once they develop a habit, breaking it can be a long, frustrating process. Housebreaking your dog is a must, but it can be difficult for a variety of reasons. When you begin housebreaking your dog is an extremely important part of the dog training process.

Punishment only tells your dog what you dont want, not what you do want. Not only does punishment not tell a dog where you want him to relieve himself, it sometimes isnt even effective at telling a dog where you dont want him to go. Punishment way after the fact only leads to confusion. Punishing a dog when it cannot understand what the punishment is for only makes it confused and

upset, possibly creating entirely new behavioral problems.

Praise him when he performs. Do not scold the pet when he does not perform. Praise and treat him the same as before, and hell soon get the picture and see that the place is also a-ok for him to use.

Start by reducing your intimidation factors. In fact you may notice that your dog show a lot more respect to some people than others. Start again in the morning. Dont punish them if they have an accident unless you see them in the act. Start housebreaking your puppy with a simple feeding schedule. Give him breakfast, lunch and dinner, just as you would yourself.

Learn how to train your dog today with my free dog training ecourse.

Latest article: a guide to dog training.

Dog Obedience
Dog Training
Dog Training
Dog Housetraining
Obedience Training
Dog Training
Dog Training
Obedience Training
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